The Future According to Cinema

user_profile:user_profile.profile_picturepar IKB 191
Films 128
Commentaires 0
Abonnés 11

“The function of science fiction is not only to predict the future, but to prevent it.”
- Ray Bradbury

The movies in the list must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- year in which the movie is set
- the century in which the movie is set

(NB: some movies in the text list below might not be on the Mubi archives)

In chronological order:

● 1990
Queen of Blood (Curtis Harrington, US, 1966)
1990: The Bronx Warriors (Enzo G. Castellari, Italy, 1982)

● 1997
Escape From New York (John Carpenter, UK, 1981)

● 1999
Until the End of the World...

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