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by Carlos González
Films 33
Comments 1
Followers 0

33, in no particular order. Always under construction.

(‘Shoot the Piano Player’ also represents Jean-Luc Godard’s ‘Une Femme Est Une Femme’ and Mr. Truffaut’s ‘Jules et Jim’ )

(‘La Collectionneuse’ also represents Mr. Rohmer’s ‘My Night at Maud’s’)

(‘Seven Up!’ also represents all of its sequels)

(‘Antoine et Colette’ also represents Mr. Truffaut’s ‘Stolen Kisses’)

(‘La Notte’ also represents Mr. Antonioni’s films ’L’Avventura’ and ’L’Eclisse’)

(‘La Dolce Vita’ also represents Mr. Fellini’s ‘8 1/2’)

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