British Film Institute 360 Classics

user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby Kenji
Films 362
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Followers 73

A selection made in the 1990s, by David Meeker, archivist for the British Film Insititute, up to 1981. The selection was strong on France, UK, US, and he likes Ford and Hawks. But it’s weak on Africa, Latin America, many neglected countries, films by women, and the avant-garde. Still, the list pointed me towards 1930s Chinese classics and i hope it’s of interest

1914 Cabiria (Pastrone)

1915 The Birth Of A Nation (Griffith)
The Cheat (De Mille)
The Vampires (Feuillade)

1916 Intolerance (Griffith)
Judex (Feuillade)

1918 J’Accuse (Gance)
Tih Minh (Feuillade)


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