Disillusionment in Sun-drenched 1970s American New Wave Cinema

user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby Laurs Kemp
Films 291
Comments 15
Followers 647

My intention was to create a list of quintessential 1970s American New Wave films. I was of course inspired by the documentaries “A Decade Under the Influence” and “Easy Riders to Raging Bulls: How the Sex, Drugs, and Rock ’n Roll Generation Saved Hollywood” as well. I cast a rather wide net here; I included a few late 1960s films that were precursors for the movement to come, as well as a few early 1980s films that still captured that anti-hero vibe. I haven’t seen all of these yet, so I tried my best to guess which would probably fall into my hopelessly unclear criteria. (Basically, if Warren Oates...

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