The 5 Best Films of Every Year Ever

user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureby Tristan Ettleman
Films 175
Comments 0
Followers 26

Some time ago, I undertook a strange, impossible quest to watch all the films created since the beginning of the medium that interest me.

This living list will be updated as I slowly but surely make my way through the history of film. Per year (including five for pre-1900), my favorite is ranked from favorite to fifth favorite. Enjoy!

Number of films per director:

Georges Méliès: 22
Charlie Chaplin: 14
Walter R. Booth: 6
Edwin S. Porter: 6
Segundo de Chomón: 5
Buster Keaton: 5
Fritz Lang: 5
F.W. Murnau: 5
J. Stuart Blackton: 4
J. Searle Dawley: 4

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