by manybits
Films 62
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Followers 74

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July 2022: The Transfiguration (2016, US) by Michael O’Shea
June 2022: Cold Skin (2017, Spain) by Xavier Gens – out: Foxes (Lorcan Finnegan, 2011 only because it’s a short).

Here comes the inevitable end of the decade top 50, a follow up to my previous list, GREATEST HORROR FILMS 2000-2010, courtesy of Mubi. A few comments, en passant. Most significant directors working today in the genre: Ari Aster (2x), Jonathan Glazer (2x, ok, The Fall is a short, but impressive nonetheless and hopefully, a preview of things to come), Peter Strickland (2x), and Sebastian Hoffmann (2x). Ali Abbasi (Border,...

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