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My personal razzies

by Matt Kilgore
Films 4
Comments 0
Followers 1

(The Leap Year on the database is different, so i’ll leave it off, but Leap Year is also a razzie)
Sorry if I made anyone mad… I think I saw 5 really bad movies (from) 2010.
Worst Picture: Dogtooth
Worst Director: Mel Gibson
Worst Ensemble Cast: Dogtooth
Worst Actor: (Tie) Matt Dillon/Hayden Christensen
Worst Actress: The Gals of Satc2 (to borrow the official razzie designation)
Worst Editing: Takers
Worst Screenplay: Leap Year
Worst gratuitous, shock violence: Nominated: every ten minutes of Edge of Darkness, winner: Cat stabbing in dogtooth.
Worst Travesty: Why Amy?!?!