Foto de Alice Rohrwacher

Alice Rohrwacher

“There are many things we can imagine that we didn’t grow up with. For example, I didn’t grow up within the church or within organized religion, but that made me very free to look at it with fresh eyes in Corpo Celeste. I didn’t grow up with TV but that allows me to look at it with a sense of surprise.”

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    Uma Alegoria Urbana


    ALICE ROHRWACHER, JR França, 2024

    Encantado pelo olhar curioso de uma criança, An Urban Allegory é a essência de Alice Rohrwacher. Juntamente com o artista de rua JR, a cineasta monta uma visão caleidoscópica e lúdica da arte, traçando como ela se move pelo palco de luz mágica e sombra sedutora que chamamos de mundo.

    Omelia Contadina


    JR, ALICE ROHRWACHER Itália, 2020

    Banding together to honor an endangered pastoral, JR and Alice Rohrwacher each lend some signature sparkle to a people’s lament for their land and livelihood. For her part, the Oscar®-nominated filmmaker celebrates and dignifies the humble workers by gazing upon them in a celestial, God’s-eye view.


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