Photo of Charlotte Rampling

Charlotte Rampling

Charlotte Rampling

“European films were what it was about for me - the sensations I needed, the depth, the storytelling, the characters, the directors, and the freedom that you can't really find in American films.”

Available to Watch

    45 Years

    45 YEARS

    ANDREW HAIGH United Kingdom, 2015

    Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay both won Silver Bears for their extraordinary, understated performances in this acclaimed marital drama from Andrew Haigh. The atmospheric Norfolk Broads are a potent backdrop to this devastating portrait of a once-solid marriage plunged into crisis.



    ANTOINE BARRAUD France, 2015

    Wander through Paris’s mesmerizing museums with Bertrand Bonello in this never-before-seen version of Antoine Barraud’s Le dos rouge. There, the French filmmaker roams in search of monstrosity, and shares the screen with some of France’s finest actors, including Jeanne Balibar and Alex Descas.


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