Photo of Fabían Arenillas
Photo of Fabían Arenillas

Fabían Arenillas

“A mí no me gusta el teatro que elude temas, que no profundiza. Si se toca un tema, sea en comedia o drama, hay que ir al fondo.”

Available to Watch


    MARTÍN REJTMAN Argentina, 2003

    Fuelled by a top-form ensemble cast, The Magic Gloves is one of Argentine auteur Martín Rejtman’s funniest films. This clever, humoros take on the mid-30s crisis is another trademark mix of absurdist charm and endearing warmth. A unique view of Buenos Aires full of lively, strange characters.


    MARTÍN REJTMAN Argentina, 2014

    Martín Rejtman’s comeback 11 years after The Magic Gloves did not disappoint. Taking a suicide attempt as the starting point and surprising us at every turn, the film is a fascinating and subversive exercise in comedy: its sophisticated storytelling, dark humor and deadpan beauty are just genius.
