Photo of Sophie Letourneur

Sophie Letourneur

Sophie Letourneur

“Every time I have an idea to shoot a movie or someone, it’s always a female. I think perhaps because it’s a way to speak about myself, and to speak about what I know very well. To describe the female way of being and all the funny things that we do with our female spirit. I try to always make it funny, I’m not afraid of ridiculousness.”

Available to Watch

    Gaby Baby Doll


    SOPHIE LETOURNEUR France, 2014

    Writer-director-actor Sophie Letourneur has made a mark in French cinema as an auteur of female-led audacities. This film, a dual act starring Lolita Chammah (Isabelle Huppert’s daughter!), is both slapstick comedy and gentle romance: a hard-learned lesson in either solitude, or companionship.

    Les coquillettes


    SOPHIE LETOURNEUR France, 2012

    With her usual playful, self-deprecating wit, Sophie Letourneur crafted this delightful gem starring Louis Garrel. Shot during the Locarno Film Festival, Les coquillettes is a refreshingly candid comedy that follows three unashamed women more interested in potential flings than high-brow flicks.



    SOPHIE LETOURNEUR France, 2010

    With her debut feature, Sophie Letourneur brought a refreshing breeze to French cinema by depicting the lives (and parties) of sassy young women. After a long period of rehearsals, and a tight script based on moments she had lived with her own friends, Chicks retains its vivid, strident realism.



