Photo of Sylvie Barthet

Sylvie Barthet

Available to Watch

    Personal Shopper


    OLIVIER ASSAYAS France, 2016

    Criss-crossing between London and Paris, this haunting character study doubles as a ghost story that straddles the real and the supernatural. Boasting a soul-bearing performance from Kristen Stewart where grief is made bodily concrete, the film saw Assayas share the Best Director Award at Cannes.



    OLIVIER ASSAYAS France, 2018

    Long-lasting affairs, doomed writers and intellectual repartee: welcome to Paris’ publishing world! With a stellar French cast including la Binoche, Olivier Assayas’s digital revolution satire unfolds just like a dinner party—full of impassioned conversations and witty jokes. Acerbic and delightful.

Executive Producer
