Foto de Alice Rohrwacher

Alice Rohrwacher

“There are many things we can imagine that we didn’t grow up with. For example, I didn’t grow up within the church or within organized religion, but that made me very free to look at it with fresh eyes in Corpo Celeste. I didn’t grow up with TV but that allows me to look at it with a sense of surprise.”

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    Omelia Contadina


    JR, ALICE ROHRWACHER Italia, 2020

    JR y Alice Rohrwacher rinden homenaje a un paisaje bucólico en peligro brindando su característica chispa al lamento de la gente por una tierra y un medio de vida. A su vez, la cineasta nominada al Oscar® celebra y dignifica a los humildes trabajadores al verlos desde un punto de vista celestial.


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