Foto de Sandra Hüller

Sandra Hüller

“I always had the feeling in my life that I have to serve people a lot; really make everybody feel comfortable. But you don’t always need to. Sometimes you can just walk away when it’s not all right.”

Disponibles para ver



    JUSTINE TRIET Francia, 2019

    En Sibyl de Justine Triet, protagonizada por Gaspard Ulliel, Virginie Efira y Sandra Hüller, el caos equivale a deleite y lo éticamente incorrecto es estimulante. El psicoanálisis y el cine se unen en un juego erótico y peligroso que desdibuja la ficción y la realidad, escapando clasificación. 



    VISAR MORINA Alemania, 2020

    Visar Morina’s multi-award-winning psychodrama craftily disorients the viewer’s eye to create a sense of paranoia and unrest. Adding excellent touches of dark humour, Morina constructs an uncompromising investigation of the immigrant experience and xenophobia within the urban middle class.


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