Photo de Deniz Gamze Ergüven

Deniz Gamze Ergüven

Deniz Gamze Ergüven

“Any advice I could give to female directors would be the same as for males: There will be endless difficulties, some seemingly defeating, on your way. That's a given. Just wipe out the very notion of stress. Concentrate on your actors. Obsess about your story and the world it is anchored in. Deal with the hundreds of down-to-earth issues [around] the existence of your film. At some point, everything will be ripe. And you wouldn't be able to stop your film from coming to life even if you wanted to.”




    DENIZ GAMZE ERGÜVEN France, 2015

    Nommé aux Oscars®, ce récit de cinq sœurs tenaces de Deniz Gamze Ergüven fut l’un des premiers films en langue étrangère les plus populaires de ces dernières années. Un drame initiatique personnel et politique qui analyse les tensions entre progrès et tradition, avec une musique signée Warren Ellis.


