Foto di Maruschka Detmers
Foto di Maruschka Detmers

Maruschka Detmers

“I want to say in the case of Godard of course, you don't have to be told twice to go and see him. I went to see him. I didn't know him at that time. Godard, I knew his name but I was very out of touch with what was going on in cinema. I had just arrived from Holland. And I remember that I went there really... I was... it was really an audition like any other for me. I had no idea.”

Disponibile per la visione


    JEAN-LUC GODARD Francia, 1983

    Questo film di Godard, in cui compare anche lui nei panni di un eccentrico regista, è una lettera d’amore frammentaria agli anni ’80. Prénom Carmen reinventa il cinema con ritmi interrotti ed ellittici e discordanti passaggi poetici per rinnovare una delle storie più viste: due amanti in fuga.


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