Film bellissimi, interessanti, incredibili.

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My Sole Desire
2.214 Valutazioni


À mon seul désir

Diretto da Lucie Borleteau
Francia, 2022
Drammatico, Sentimentale, LGBTQ+


When aimless Manon starts work at a strip club that offers high-concept performances, she instantly bonds with her fellow strippers—particularly aspiring actress Mia. But as Manon explores her newfound erotic life, she finds herself falling for Mia and is soon forced to question her priorities.


When aimless Manon starts work at a strip club that offers high-concept performances, she instantly bonds with her fellow strippers—particularly aspiring actress Mia. But as Manon explores her newfound erotic life, she finds herself falling for Mia and is soon forced to question her priorities.

La nostra opinione

Il liberatorio film di Lucie Borleteau, incentrato sulla storia d’amore tra due ballerine, ritrae senza alcun giudizio il mondo al neon degli spogliarelli e la vitalità di quello del sex work, lasciando affiorare sia l’estasi fisica delle esibizioni che le profonde amicizie nate dietro le quinte.