Great Veteran Actors Still Alive (And Their Best Performance)

user_profile:user_profile.profile_pictureda Danny Bailey
Film 457
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Eva Marie Saint (On The Waterfront)
Carroll Baker (Baby Doll)
Malcolm McDowell and Michael Tarn (A Clockwork Orange)
Sophia Loren (Two Women)
Woody Allen and Diane Keaton (Annie Hall)
Meryl Streep (Sophie’s Choice)
Mel Brooks and Burton Gilliam (Blazing Saddles)
Dany Saval (Boeing Boeing)
Milena Vukotic (The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie)
Christopher Olsen (Bigger Than Life)
William Daniels and Barry Gordon (A Thousand Clowns)
Serge Rezvani, Anny Nelsen and Sabine Haudepin (Jules And Jim)
Albert Brooks and Lee Grant (Defending Your Life)

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