In addition to its brilliant edition of Sous le soleil de Satan, March also sees Eureka!/MOC relelasing Pialat's À nos amours, which is perhaps his best-known film internationally. The painful and painstaking film, scenes from the life of a sexually vibrant and confused female adolescent and her crumbling family, was released in an excellent domestic standard-definition Region 1 NTSC DVD by The Criterion Collection in 2006. The new Region 2 PAL edition from Eureka!/MOC reproduces most of the extras from the Criterion edition, but boasts a new transfer. Is the difference between the two sufficient to justify a purchase on the part of the multi-region-player equipped? Ultimately that's up to the consumer, of course, but I made some screen caps off of my computer of two frames from the two different versions to provide illustrations.
Directly above is a screen capture from the Criterion edition.
And here is a capture from the Eureka!/MOC edition. The most striking immediate difference is in the color; it "pops" a bit more in the Criterion transfer. The Eureka!/MOC image is a bit more muted and realistic. But there's also a difference in the framing. Both discs present the film in its correct 1.66:1 aspect ratio, but the framing of the Criterion version has less "headroom" as it were, which becomes more evident in the two screen captures below.
Above, the Criterion.
And here, the Eureka/MOC. My own preference is for the more generous framing, but I have to admit that in terms of actually experiencing the film, there is not an appreciable difference going on here.