Chu Ishikawa fotoğrafı

Chu Ishikawa

[塚本晋也] '石川さんとは、『鉄男』からおよそ30年のつき合いになります。今回も石川さんに音楽をお頼みしていましたが、残念ながら去年の暮れに亡くなってしまいました。その死が受け入れられず、僕の映画のために作った曲、それから、石川さんのお宅に眠っていた曲までを全部聴き、天国の石川さんと会話しながら編集に貼っていきました。とても満足なでき上がりになりました。'

Gösterimdeki Filmler


    Shin'ya Tsukamoto Japonya, 1998

    In an act of defiance against the apathy of modern living, Shin’ya Tsukamoto delivers a shock to the system with this orgiastic mélange of breakneck violence and dangerous obsessions. Stripped of its urban gloss, the concrete jungle of Tokyo quakes to the delirious poetry of total self-destruction.


    Shin'ya Tsukamoto Japonya, 2018

    Destabilizing the conventions of samurai cinema with his jagged montage style, Shin’ya Tsukamoto brings a feral wildness—and a synth score!—to his first period film. An ultra-violent parable written in blood, Killing cuts through the trappings of honor and masculinity with startling subversiveness.


Hepsini göster (14)