Foto von Franz Rogowski
Foto von Franz Rogowski

Franz Rogowski

“I think everywhere we see perfect surfaces, and when something breaks through the surface, it is somehow interesting. Though it doesn’t make me a better actor.”

Im Programm


    SEBASTIAN MEISE Österreich, 2021

    Unearthing heartrending chapters of queer history in postwar Germany, Sebastian Meise’s moving drama harnesses the healing power of intimacy that blooms in defiance of systematic oppression. Franz Rogowski mesmerizes with a powerhouse performance in this absorbing tale of resilience and resistance.


    IRA SACHS Frankreich, 2023

    Drei Liebende geraten in Ira Sachs’ erfrischend ehrlicher und bissig-komischer Sicht auf moderne Beziehungen in einen Strudel aus aufgestautem Verlangen und Groll. Genau wie seine Hauptdarsteller – Franz Rogowski, Adèle Exarchopoulos und Ben Whishaw – strotzt dieses Drama nur so vor Sexappeal.


    PETER BRUNNER Österreich, 2021

    Accomplishing a delicate balance between childlike wonder and rage, Franz Rogowski is transfixing in Peter Brunner’s feral parable on fanaticism and lost innocence. Enveloped in the loneliness of the Austrian Alps, this Ulrich Seidl production finds the limits of motherly love pushed to extremes.


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