Foto von Ira Sachs
Foto von Ira Sachs

Ira Sachs

“I'll go to Vancouver and you can talk to a twenty-year-old about Hou Hsiao-hsien and here in New York, I don't know anyone except people really seriously into the business that have even heard of Hou Hsiao-hsien. You're right, so much industry and media is created here, but all that that's really indicative of is how limited is that perspective, now.”

Im Programm


    IRA SACHS Frankreich, 2023

    Drei Liebende geraten in Ira Sachs’ erfrischend ehrlicher und bissig-komischer Sicht auf moderne Beziehungen in einen Strudel aus aufgestautem Verlangen und Groll. Genau wie seine Hauptdarsteller – Franz Rogowski, Adèle Exarchopoulos und Ben Whishaw – strotzt dieses Drama nur so vor Sexappeal.


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