After a few words about "ice cream that's supposed to taste like movies" (no, really), editor Gary Morris introduces the latest edition of one of our favorite film journals, Bright Lights:
Matt Brennan leads off this issue with a deep-sea dive into the "body politic/body politics" trope, in the process giving readers something in short supply today: hope. Lesley Chow also shows a bold optimism in mining culture for its treasures in a provocative piece on cinema experimentalists Chris Marker, Alexander Sokurov, and José Luis Guerín. Our buddy Dave Saunders reminds us of the pleasures of Buñuel in Mexico and Béla Tarrin Edinburgh in a rather enchanting piece.
If Boris Barnet is not a household word in your house, you should consider moving. The brilliant Boris is the subject of a lengthy, authoritative profile by new contributor Giuliano Vivaldi, and you'll be running to the nearest Russian cinematheque after you've read this one. Equally obscure and fascinating, André Delvaux gets the spotlight thanks to a fine piece by Santiago Rubín de Celis. Better known and equally thrilling is Frank Borzage, whose masterful parable of war, No Greater Glory, is the subject of Peter Lee's wide-ranging study that includes other "boy soldier" films.
And on he rolls with his guide to Issue 73's reviews of films old and new, a pair of pieces on television, Meredith Hicks's profile of Greer Garson, Gary's own report from this year's Q Doc, Portland's Queer Documentary Film Festival, and four book reviews.
The image above is from Marlon Riggs's Tongues Untied (1989), which figures in Matt Brennan's essay. For news and tips throughout the day every day, follow @thedailyMUBI on Twitter and/or the RSS feed.