@DAVID_LYNCH: "Dear Twitter Friends, I'm sorry I haven't been in touch with you for awhile. I was very busy working on the installation of a show on mathematics at the Fondation Cartier in Paris. Now I'm working on a lithograph called 'Oh, A Bad Dream Comes.'" Patti Smith and Takeshi Kitano, by the way, also have work on view in Fondation's exhibition, Mathematics: A Beautiful Elsewhere, through March 18.
Master of the monster roundup, Dennis Cooper has outdone himself with "Acid Westerns Day."
Asked to select his top ten Criterions, Aki Kaurismäki squeezes in as many double, triple and quadruple bills as he figures he's allowed.
About a year before Fritz Lang died in 1976, William Friedkin interviewed him and you can watch all 49 minutes and 30 seconds here.
Earlier this month, Jonathan Poritsky ribbed Sarah Deming a little in Heeb. She's the Michigan woman suing FilmDistrict, distributors of Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive, for using their trailer to mislead her. There is, she's shocked to discover, "very little driving in the motion picture" but quite a bit of "extreme gratuitous defamatory dehumanizing racism directed against members of the Jewish faith." On Thursday, Poritsky realized he couldn't leave it there. "I'm offended as a film lover, as an American and as a Jew…. As to the implication that Drive is anti-semitic, I'd counter Deming's accusation with this argument: Refn's film is perhaps one of the most positive Jewish films in 2011." His post has led to a response from Deming's lawyer, which, in turn, has drawn a crowd. See the comments.
Slate presents the Longform.org guide to Woody Allen.
The AFI FEST is tumbling, rolling out trailers and the lineup for this year's edition, which'll be happening in Hollywood from November 3 through 10. Take a look at the titles set for the World Cinema, Breakthrough, Midnight and Short Film programs.
In the works. Ben Affleck will write and direct an adaptation of Stephen King's The Stand (Vulture). And via the Playlist, Lynne Ramsay tells Mark Kermode about her next project:
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