Foto de Andrew Haigh

Andrew Haigh

“Films are so over-edited nowadays. Nobody gives things the space to just exist. You don’t need to be chopping back and forwards. People like Antonioni were happy to just let things exist.”

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    ANDREW HAIGH Reino Unido, 2011

    British filmmaker Andrew Haigh is a jewel: a uniquely measured dramatist profoundly concerned with the inner lives of his characters. We adore his breakout feature, taking place over a stretched-out weekend, for its tender, sensual and poignantly realized evocation of the bliss of falling in love.

    45 años

    45 AÑOS

    ANDREW HAIGH Reino Unido, 2015

    Charlotte Rampling y Tom Courtenay ganaron Osos de Plata por sus actuaciones, sutiles y extraordinarias, en este aclamado drama marital de Andrew Haigh. Los Norfolk Broads son un poderoso telón de fondo para este devastador retrato de un matrimonio que fue sólido y ahora está sumido en una crisis.


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