Foto di Claire Denis

Claire Denis

“Even if it's the dream of a voyage, I think it was very important for me that the film offer the two sides of the globe.”

Disponibile per la visione

    White Material


    CLAIRE DENIS Francia, 2009

    The collaboration between Isabelle Huppert and Claire Denis the world had been dreaming of, arrived with this powerful story about the death throes of white colonialism. Denis—who grew up in French Africa—returns to her roots with this sublime, poetic yet nightmarish exploration of racial conflict.

    L'amore secondo Isabelle


    CLAIRE DENIS Francia, 2017

    Una commedia romantica di Claire Denis? Sì, grazie! Ribaltando i luoghi comuni delle favole con ironia sottile, questo racconto imprevedibile sul desiderio femminile nella mezza età vanta una volubilissima Juliette Binoche in cerca dell’amore. E poi quel finale!



    CLAIRE DENIS Francia, 2013

    Claire Denis explores the dark side of erotics with a fascination and fearlessness that few other filmmakers possess. Bristling with passion and pain, Chiara Mastroianni and Vincent Lindon are accessories to a festering spiral of unthinkable transgression in this sinister but thrilling noir.


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