Stream echt geweldige cinema.

millennials culture And MUMBLECORE

van Marina Riudoms
Films 149
Opmerkingen 1
Volgers 80

We are millennials. Also known as the Millennial Generation, Generation Y, Generation Me, Generation Flux or the people who was born from early 1980s to around 2000. We grew up our adolescence in the Noughties era, derived from “nought” a word used for zero. We beguin our adulthoot in the Great Recession. People use to fantasized about have no future in the past: We had no future so we tourn our eyes to our smarphones and have it fun. Internet is our reality because our reality sucks. We study, a lot or not, but we can not integrate into society. If we want to create something we DIY (Do It Yourself). We create other ways...

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