Lizabeth Scott fotoğrafı

Lizabeth Scott

Lizabeth Scott

“What you call film noir I call ‘psychological drama.’ It reflects the fact that there are so many facets in human beings. And that is why I don’t know if anyone else calls it ‘psychological drama’ but I do. At that time, to myself, it was psychological and dramatic, because it showed all these facets of human experience and conflict, that these women [femme fatales] could be involved with their heart and yet could think with their mind.”

Gösterimdeki Filmler

    Too Late for Tears


    Byron Haskin ABD, 1949

    Klasik kara filmlerdeki suç ve sapkınlığa sürüklenen çift temasına ustalıklı ve müstehcen bir yorum getiren Too Late For Tears arzuyla yanıp tutuşuyor. Byron Haskin’in bu filminde olağanüstü femme fatale Lizabeth Scott ve kara filmlerin yaman oyuncusu Dan Duryea (Scarlet Street) rol alıyor.


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