Photo de Ira Sachs
Photo de Ira Sachs

Ira Sachs

“I'll go to Vancouver and you can talk to a twenty-year-old about Hou Hsiao-hsien and here in New York, I don't know anyone except people really seriously into the business that have even heard of Hou Hsiao-hsien. You're right, so much industry and media is created here, but all that that's really indicative of is how limited is that perspective, now.”



    IRA SACHS France, 2023

    Trois amants virevoltent dans un tourbillon de désir et de sentiments refoulés dans ce film frais, honnête et drôle d’Ira Sachs sur les relations d’aujourd’hui. Tout comme ses protagonistes énergiques — Franz Rogowski, Adèle Exarchopoulos et Ben Whishaw — ce drame relationnel déborde de sex-appeal.


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