Foto di Coralie Fargeat

Coralie Fargeat

“For my first feature film [Revenge], I really wanted to choose a film that was close to what I like as a director and as a filmmaker. I was sure it had to be a genre film. That’s what I grew up with. It was this strong desire to create my own genre film, combined with the idea of being fascinated with the Lolita character that brings upon her a lot of love and violence.”

Disponibile per la visione

    The Substance


    CORALIE FARGEAT Stati Uniti, 2024

    With sharp wit and cathartic intensity, Coralie Fargeat turns toxic beauty culture inside out in her Oscar®-winning latest feature. Powered by a career-best performance from Demi Moore, The Substance fearlessly bulldozes its way into the midnight-movie pantheon and the feminist canon.



    CORALIE FARGEAT Francia, 2014

    Nell’ipnotico corto fantascientifico di Coralie Fargeat, una Parigi futura ospita orde di uomini e donne bellissimi. Un’elettrizzante discesa negli inferi di una società ossessionata dall’immagine che, dieci anni prima di The Substance, ha valso alla regista francese svariati premi.



    CORALIE FARGEAT Francia, 2017

    Weaponizing tropes to neo-feminist ends, Coralie Fargeat fires on all cylinders in this killer film. Adrenalized by the same fascination with transformation that sparks across The Substance, the provocateur filmmaker empowers her heroine to go from Barbie to badass with dangerous, delirious style.



