Photo de Quentin Dupieux

Quentin Dupieux

“When you watch an audience watching my movies, you realize that nobody laughs at the same time. Some people enjoy a beat, and then another group of people are laughing at a sight gag, and then someone laughs where nobody laughs before. They're not timed like a comedy. You're not supposed to laugh at every joke. You decide.”


Afficher tout (5)


    QUENTIN DUPIEUX France, 2023

    In this hilarious satire, social contracts are broken and hackneyed forms of entertainment are upended. Corralling a brilliant cast into a boisterous deconstruction of actors’ egos and audience expectations, Quentin Dupieux revels in the insights of an outsider in his latest meta-provocation.

    Le daim


    QUENTIN DUPIEUX France, 2019

    Quentin Dupieux’s deadpan comedy on the narcissistic nature of filmmaking is luridly obsessed with objects, from suede jackets to mirrors and cameras. Sharing an easy chemistry on screen, Jean Dujardin and Adèle Haenel lend charm and poignancy to this profoundly funny, fantastical fable.

    Au poste!


    QUENTIN DUPIEUX France, 2018

    S’amusant joyeusement à renverser les codes du film policier, ce jeu du chat et de la souris absurde signé Quentin Dupieux n’hésite pas à briser le quatrième mur. Ce petit bijou surréaliste qui rappelle Buñuel nous tient en haleine grâce à son ambiance survoltée qui se délecte de chaos !

    Incroyable mais vrai


    QUENTIN DUPIEUX France, 2022

    Dans un univers où les organes génitaux sont électriques et le temps élastique, le plaisantin Quentin Dupieux invente des stratégies pour permettre aux égoïstes bien nantis de sauver les apparences. Cette quête de jeunesse et de virilité éternelles est tout à fait absurde, drôle et percutante.



    QUENTIN DUPIEUX France, 2023

    Say it looong. Say it loud! Quentin Dupieux is going for mammoth laughs in this time-warped, gaga homage to a giant of surrealism. Flummoxing Anaïs Demoustier’s straightwoman, a carousel of actors take turns being Dalí—each one with a different, eccentric version of his moustache-twirling panache.


Afficher tout (19)

Directeur de la photographie

Afficher tout (15)

