Foto di Keith Poulson
Foto di Keith Poulson

Keith Poulson

“I don’t think I’m cast mostly for my face in general. I guess to a certain extent every actor’s face plays a part in the casting, but I feel like I have been cast because somebody feels like I understand the type of film they are trying to make, more than my voice or face or body, but I guess people don’t over-elaborate WHY they cast you and I don’t ask. But this one, I feel like my vocal pacing/tone I was more aware of, because I’m playing a character that wants to be left alone more than a character that wants to be heard, which is more usual.”

Disponibile per la visione


    NATHAN SILVER Stati Uniti, 2015

    Girato con una cinepresa vintage, il film ci guida nei meandri più oscuri degli anni ‘90: una comunità di disintossicazione che ospita personalità vivaci e caustiche. Una pellicola scritta con un sincero senso di anarchia che mette in scena la famosa citazione di Sartre, "L’inferno sono gli altri".


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