The New York Film Critics Circle has spent the day convening*, voting and tweeting the results, their 2011 awards:
Best Film: The Artist.
Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius for The Artist.
Best Screenplay: Steven Zaillian and Aaron Sorkin for Moneyball.
Best Actress: Meryl Streep for The Iron Lady.
Best Actor: Brad Pitt for Moneyball and The Tree of Life.
Best Supporting Actress: Jessica Chastain for The Tree of Life, The Help and Take Shelter.
Best Supporting Actor: Albert Brooks for Drive. @AlbertBrooks: "Was just told about N.Y.F.C.C. and Spirit Awards! THANK YOU. I feel like Herman Cain at a Dallas Cheerleader convention."
Best Cinematography: Emmanuel Lubezki for The Tree of Life.
Best Nonfiction Film: Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten Dreams.
Best Foreign Language Film: Asghar Fahadi's A Separation.
Best First Feature: JC Chandor's Margin Call.
And a 2011 Special Award will be dedicated posthumously to Raúl Ruiz.
*NYFCC Chairman John Anderson describes the process: "At the risk of giving away state secrets, the method of voting for Best Picture at the NYFCC's end-of-year meetings involves each member putting his or her favorite on a scrap of paper, throwing them in a hat, and establishing where we all stand, and what we'd like to champion. Often enough, the answer is 30 different movies."
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