Foto di Udo Kier
Foto di Udo Kier

Udo Kier

“I phone up my friends and say, 'Fuck you! I made 200 movies!' 100 are bad, 50 you could watch, and 50 are good. I think as an actor if you can say you made 50 good films, amen.”

Disponibile per la visione

Mostra tutto (19)


    LARS VON TRIER Danimarca, 2003

    In parte esperimento brechtiano e in parte parodia dell’America, Von Trier ha importato star anglofone (tra cui Nicole Kidman) e ha messo in scena un racconto di gangster negli anni ’30 in uno studio privo di qualsiasi realismo, ma ricco di tumulto. Un film diverso da qualsiasi altro!


    LARS VON TRIER Danimarca, 1996

    Il film inaugura la cosiddetta Trilogia del cuore d’oro, che comprende anche Idioti e il vincitore della Palma d’Oro Dancer in the Dark. Con Emily Watson in un’interpretazione intransigente, Le onde del destino rimane uno dei migliori lavori di Von Trier.


    LARS VON TRIER Danimarca, 1991

    This early triumph by Lars von Trier, which won no less than three prizes at Cannes, is one of his most bizarre yet accessible works: a feverish retooling of film noir, an unhinged thriller, and a visually mind-blowing odyssey into a nightmare of our past.


    LARS VON TRIER Danimarca, 1994

    Strange things are happening in the underbelly of a Danish hospital in Lars von Trier’s long unavailable cult TV phenomenon. Stunningly restored in never-before-seen versions, The Kingdom I is a wickedly funny supernatural mystery. Let the battle between good and evil commence!


    LARS VON TRIER Danimarca, 2005

    A difficult yet rewarding film from the equally complex Danish provocateur Lars von Trier! This fiercely polemical, little-seen sequel to Dogville tackles a topic as sensitive as slavery, all the while maintaining its predecessor’s Brechtian premise, anti-American bent, and yes, its brilliance.


Progettista di produzione

